A report on the 2002 Wise Family Reunion


by Faith Stern

On a surprisingly and pleasantly cool weekend, despite flooded fields near Illinois Highway 100, the 2002 Wise Family reunion was once again held at Rich and Linda Basden's farm near Kampsville. Several people, mostly from the east coast, took Fred Spannaus' comment about eating catfish fritters at the Kampsville Inn seriously and hungrily arrived Friday afternoon looking for Fred. Ed, Nancy, and Andrew Spannaus and Andrew's fiancee Laura Zabani from Milan, Italy, learned that the Kampsville Inn was flooded out and could not provide food. And Fred was nowhere in sight.

They eventually joined Kurt, Faith, Karen and Bret at Riverdock in Hardin. Some folks had fritters while others had the brisket Linda recommended. After a while Joy Bramley and Aunt Alice also turned up at the restaurant. Hunger satisfied, we all returned to The Basden Inn to find Olive, Ruben, Tim and Collette had arrived and so had the elusive Fred. Karen and Bret left for their motel in Jerseyville, and Tim and Collette stayed at the Hardin Hotel. Linda gave the rest of us room or mattress assignments, and we all settled down to listen to whispers and giggles from various parts of the house before falling asleep.

As the overnighters enjoyed a bountiful breakfast buffet with all kinds of delicious choices, Tim and Collette arrived, reporting that their hotel had no hot water. When they complained, the manager offered them a total refund and a promise that the problem would be resolved before they returned. That's a small town hotel for you.

Some relatives explored the bluffs on either side of the farm while others took part in a disorganized, but very competitive ping-pong tournament. As more and more kinfolk arrived and got reacquainted, Linda, Maggi, Joy, and Kathy with some help from others prepared the festive lunch.

The highlight of the day occurred at twelve noon, when in front of an awe-struck group of relatives, Rich Basden performed an amazing sky dive from a plane into the cornfield, emerging unscathed. Another surprise was Rich's margarita mixing machine which was visited by many of the guests and appreciated by all who visited. Those were some "slurpees!"

Young cousins had arts and crafts projects or they played games of their own invention, getting to know each other, while other groups of varying ages found places and faces that interested them.

The so-called program began at 4 p.m. with short introductions by family groups to help everyone remember who was who and who belonged together . Fred read a letter from John Wise expressing his regrets that health problems had prevented him and his wife Violet from attending. He wished everyone well.

The two sisters, Olive and Alice, performed their very own version of "I faw Down and Go Boom," riding adult-size hobby horses and wearing cowboy hats and scarves. Not only were the horse heads furry and realistic looking, but a pull on the horses' ears started an audible clip-clop followed after a while with a horses' neigh. The audience joined in the chorus when the song was repeated. Karen Stern sang a short introduction and Faith Stern accompanied on the piano.

Pat Bueltmann's 60th birthday was celebrated in a song with words by Faith. At the request of Olive Spannaus, who provided the music, George Bueltmann sang a song titled "Why Did I Kiss that Girl?" The lyrics were a striking example of how much times, attitudes, and behavior have changed since it was written in 1912 or so. Frankly, I think it was a spoof, even then.

Greg Bueltmann and Faith played three pieces for jazz flute and piano. These were followed by flute duets with Beth Bueltmann Mendenhall and Faith. Andrew Spannaus did a few animal impersonations. After Katie Bueltmann sang an acapella solo for us, Faith, accompanied by Greg sang "I Cain't Say No," wearing an outrageous costume.

We all enjoyed watching the video Charlotte brought of Kim performing the song she wrote for her father David's 60th birthday this year. David and Kim were both in Germany at the time of the reunion. We also congratulated Ruben Spannaus, who is starting his 90th year. He will celebrate that significant birthday on May 30, 2003.

Informal pictures were taken of various family groups. As several families started on their drives home, Karen Stern played piano selections from Les Miserables for those still hanging around chatting. The ping-pong tournament was revived along with other discussions on a variety of topics. Around 7 p.m. pizza appeared for anyone who still had room to eat.

But this wasn't the end of the activities. Greg and his four set up three tents in the front yard where they spent the night with no ill effects. Then somewhere between nine and ten p.m. a fascinating scene took place in the kitchen as Linda demonstrated how to make a berry pie, Maggi took notes for Laura, Andrew translated some things into Italian, and then Laura made her own berry pie. Despite staying up till the pies were baked, Linda was up bright and early laying out another bountiful breakfast-and both delicious pies were available. Yummm!
Linda and Rich have offered to host the reunion again on Father's Day Weekend 2004.

Alan Stern is preparing a map showing where families live. I will be nudging other people to be part of the next program. We have guitar, banjo, and dulcimer players in the family who we need to hear. Ben Bueltmann has agreed to do something. Just hanging around, I heard some pretty funny jokes and stories. Some of them would be okay for a family audience. And Fred S. suggested that his sister Boots, who couldn't attend, could as penance, write a one-act play to be performed. I'd also like to see more little ones perform: singing, dancing, telling stories, whatever! So you'll be hearing from me in plenty of time to put something together for June 2004. There was some talk that if the river is not too high in 2004, various water activities might be tried.

Fifty-two family members and friends attended this year. The Harders were represented by Alice Harder; Joy and Gene Bramley; Linda and Rich Basden; Kathy and Rich Harting; Tammi, Abigail, and Noah Bramley-Cash; Maggi Basden Leise; Jon Basden and his daughters Caitlin(2) and Lia (2 months); Kerri Harting and her friend Joniker.

Spannauses present were Olive and Ruben, Ed, Nancy, Andrew, Laura Zabani,
Tim and Collette Pariseau, Fred Spannaus, Ben Spannaus and Muriel Guiterrez. Stephanie, Al, and Brandon Hebron

Bueltmanns present were Faith and Kurt Stern; Karen Stern and Bret Leslie; George and Pat Bueltmann; Greg, Ben, Mary Kate Bueltmann, Keegan and Kathleen Haines; Beth, Tom, Ellyn, Carly, and Jane Mendenhall; Charlotte, Keith, Alissa, Katie, Arik, and David Bueltmann.

Our thanks to Rich and Linda Basden whose work, hospitality, and flair for the unique and interesting have made the last two reunions so much fun and so memorable. And thanks to Greg and Fred for doing the website and sending the Reunion News.